A Creative, Educational and Engaging Activity to do with the kids over the summer holidays.

Looking for a fun and educational activity to do with the kids over the school holidays? This time, we’re shifting gears from chocolate to craft with a project that will spark their imagination and curiosity- making a volcano!
This activity is spread over a few days, making it a perfect multi-day project.

What You’ll Need:
– Plastic bottle(small size)
– Cardboard or plastic tub (for the base- we used an old sweet tub from Christmas)
– Newspaper(for papier-mâché)
– Flour and water mixture(for glue)
– Paints(various colours)
– Baking soda
– White Vinegar
– Dish soap (optional)
– Red food coloring(optional but helps to look more effective )
– Plastic funnel(optional)


Day 1: Building the Volcano Structure.
1.Prepare the Base- Place the plastic bottle in the center of the cardboard base or plastic tub. Secure it with tape.

2. Create the Volcano Shape-Tear the newspaper into strips. Dip the strips into the flour and water mixture (1 part flour to 2 parts water) to create papier-mâché. Layer the strips over the bottle, shaping it like a volcano. Leave the top open (around the bottle neck) for the eruption.

3.Drying Time-Let the papier-mâché volcano dry overnight ( may take a couple of days)

Day 2: Painting the Volcano
1. Paint the Volcano-Once the volcano is completely dry, it’s time to paint! Use brown and grey paints for the exterior to mimic rock, and add red and orange streaks to represent lava. Get creative with the landscape around your volcano.
2. Drying Time-Allow the paint to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.(may take a few days)

Day 3: The Eruption
1. Prepare the Eruption Ingredients-Place the volcano on a tray to contain the mess. Put a few tablespoons of baking soda into the bottle. Add a few drops of dish soap and red food coloring if desired.
2. Eruption Time- When ready, pour vinegar into the bottle (using a funnel if needed). Watch as your volcano erupts with fizzy lava!

Here’s a video of the one  we’ve made before!  IMG_5715

This volcano project is a fantastic way to engage kids in hands-on learning, sparking their creativity and curiosity about natural science. Plus, it’s a lot of fun! Enjoy making memories and a mini volcanic eruption right in your home. Happy crafting!